Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Orange Cat Polymer Clay Pin Pendant Necklaces

 Orange Cat convertible pin pendant is my new ArtFire avatar.

 Introducing our colorful, cheerful, charming, polymer clay Mr. Orange  Cat who is proud to have been chosen as the avatar for our new ArtFire studio shop.  He and the other bright and cheerful cats in our Cat Collection  were created to celebrate the joys of being owned by a cat. Except for the realistic whiskers, all the components of the pieces were made using PREMO polymer clay. Cane slices were applied to the raw PC body before it was cured using Liquid PC. The whisker are from a "faux natural bristle" hair brush and were made by curing the face  with small wires in place (the relative diameter of the hair brush bristle). After curing, the wires were  removed and the bristle was glued in the tiny hole with a tiny dap of "Zap-A-Gap" cyanoacrylic glue. The cats eyes are made from a "brain cane" reduced to a very small size. They are made entirely from artist-quality polymer clay and have a clever finding on their backs that allows them to be converted from a pendant to a brooch by simply removing the silky rayon cord. Mr. Orange Cat will be hanging out  at ArtFire along with a bevy of other colorful feline sidekicks waiting to be adopted and is for Cat Collection. (EDITED: Mr Orange Cat and some of his friends now hang out at MelodyODesigns at Etsy)

Convertible pin to pendant shown from the back.


  1. Congratulations on your new ArtFire Shop, it looks beautiful! I LOVE your Smiling Orange Crazy Cat, he makes a perfect avatar for your shop! Your banner is lovely also. All of your pieces are showcased so well there, I wish you much success on ArtFire Anita! :)

  2. Hey, that's my cat.

    Congratulations on your store. Hope you sell a bunch.

  3. Congratulations on your new shop. I love that cat, it's adorable! I love whimsical cats as you can probably tell by my avatar.

  4. Congrats! Wishing you heaps of sales :) Great Art Firey cat!

  5. 'dorable kitty! Good Luck on your shop - I know you're putting a lot of work into it.

  6. The store looks great! He is the perfect avatar.
